Best Flowers For Summer and Rainy Season

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Introduction: The list of Best Flowers for Summer and Rainy Seasons will discuss the native land of the flowers, their propagation by seed or cuttings, the land required, the cultivation time, their height, the color and shape of the flowers, and their popular varieties.

Names Best Flowers For Summer and Rainy Season:

1- Globe amaranth7- Rose moss
2- Gaillardia8- Sunflower
3- Garen Cosmos9- Cocks comb
4- Zinnia 10- Coleus
5- Love-lies-Bleeding11- Balsam
6- Madagascar Periwinkle

Summer Flowers:

Globe amaranth:

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Botanical Name: Gomphrena globosa

Family: Amaranthaceae
It is also known as bachelor's button. India is his motherland. It grows Best Flowers For Summer and rainy season. The tall varieties are up to 80 cm and the short varieties up to 25 cm. It has button-like flowers. Its flowers are suitable for drying as they retain their color even after drying. Its growth is best in temperate climates. Fertile soil is required. It is sown in January-February. Fertilization is completed in seven to ten days. One gram contains more than 200 seeds. Pinching should be done after 15 days to get large size flowers. The plant begins to flower after two months.
Varieties: Cissy, Nana, Purpurea


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Botanical Name: Gaillardia pulchella

Family: Compositae
America is his homeland. Propagation is by seed. This plant can be planted in any season. The flowers are quite similar to daisy flowers. The height of the plant is up to 60 cm. It requires fertile soil with good drainage. The suitable time for cultivation is February-March. Fertilization is completed in six to eight days. Plant to plant distance should be 30 cm.
Popular varieties: Picta, Pulchella

Garden cosmos:

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Botanical Name: Cosmos bipinnatus

Family: Compositae
Its homeland is Mexico. Thrives in partial shade as well. The height of the plant is quite large. But now short stature varieties are also available in the market. Its leaves are like ferns. Likes moist soil. The color of flowers is red white and yellow. It is propagated by seeds. The seeds are long and dark in color.  The breeding process is completed within a week.
Famous varieties: Yellow Sun, Yellow Plume, Yellow Queen


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Botanical Name: Zinnina elegans

Family: (compositae)
Its homeland is Mexico. Its maturity is 30 to 50 days. It bears large attractive flowers of white, yellow, red and purple colors. It requires fertile soil with good drainage. It grows best in full light. It has been bred for 20 years. There are one hundred in one gram. The germination process is completed in five days. This plant is suitable for planting in pots, beds and rock gardens. It is also suitable as a cut flower. 
Popular Types: Silver Sun, Big Top, Dreamland


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Botanical Name: Amaranhus Caudat

Family: Amaramthaceae
Best Flowers for Summer and Rainy Season in list Beautiful plant Amaranthus . Its height is one hundred cm or more. Its flowers are long stalks. Which are hanging from top to bottom. Its flowers are red in color. Which feels like flowing blood. Apart from red, there are also white, yellow and purple colored flowers. Its plants grow very fast. The flowers of this plant remain fresh for many days. Flowers can also be dried and are suitable for flower arrangements. This plant can be planted in borders and is also suitable for planting in pots. It needs warm weather. It grows best in full light. Before sowing the seeds, the soil should be softened well and this plant should be cultivated in a soil with sufficient amount of organic matter. The propagation of this plant is done by seeds. The seed size is very small, there are 1000 seeds in one gram. At 15 to 20 temperature, seeds germinate in 10 to 15 days. At temperatures below 10, germination is delayed. The seeds are planted by mixing leaf compost and soil in pots. Well-drained soil is essential. This plant is attacked by white rust.
Popular Varieties: Perfecta, Aurora, Tower Mix.
Madagascar periwinkle
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Botanical Name: Vinca rosea
Family: Apocynaceae
Madga Sukkur is his native place. It grows best in full light. It is also used as a ground cover in chaman arai. It has white, pink and red flowers. It is propagated by batch and there are 500 batches per gram. It requires fertile soil with low interaction. Saline soil is unsuitable for its cultivation. It has both short and tall varieties. Well-drained soil is essential.
Varieties: Victory Blue, Big Roby, and Sun Storm
Rose moss
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Botanical Name: Portulaca Grandiflora
Family: Parchola caseiportulacaceae
His homeland is Brazil. The height of the plant is 15 to 20 cm. Its branches and leaves are pulpy. It bears both single and double flowers. The color of flowers are pink, white and yellow. Requires well-drained and fertile soil. It needs full light. This plant cannot tolerate very cold weather. It can also be used as a ground cover in hot and dry and rocky areas. It is also planted in hanging baskets. It can be propagated by seeds. There are 10,000 seeds in one gram. The breeding process is completed in a week. Flowering starts in 80 to 100 days on the plant. The flowers are cup-shaped. And the branch is at the end.

Types: Jhumka

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Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus
Family: Compositae
North America is its native region. This plant likes hot weather. Low temperatures and hot winds damage it. It does not require very fertile soil. It is propagated by progeny and contains 10 to 15 seeds per gram. Germination is completed in four to six days. Tall varieties can also be used for curtains. Shorter varieties can also be used as border and cut flowers. In preparation, it is planted at a distance of 35 cm. Sunflower flowers are yellow and malty in color. Short varieties grow up to 30 cm tall and tall varieties grow up to 150 cm tall.
Types: Flore Pleno, Autumn Beauty

Best Flowers Rainy Season:
Cocks comb
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Botanical name: celosia argentea       

Family: Amaranthaceae
Best Flowers for Summer and Rainy Season in list Beautiful plant cocks comb in details discussed. Warm, humid weather favors its growth. Its homeland is the warm regions of Asia, America and Africa. In some areas of Africa, this plant is also grown as a vegetable.
Two types of it are more popular.
1. Kar Stita: It is also called Ka Kiss Koomb and its flowers are Kar Stead.
2. Plow Mosa: Its flowers are feather-like.
Cristita is generally liked more. The colors of its flowers are red, pink, and yellow. Its flowering period is six to 10 weeks. It can also be planted in pots and pyres in Chamanarai. Also suitable as a cut flower. Dried flowers of Sylvia plumosa can also be used for dry arrangements. The height of the plant is up to 80 cm but shorter varieties are also available. Cultivation of Gulch is offered by One gram contains 800 to 1000 seeds. At a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees, the process of germination is completed in ten days. Sow the seeds in 10-inch pots. Mix the compost well with normal nursery soil and then add it to the pots.Plant only 30 to 40 seeds per pot. Usually, sloe seeds are also produced first when three to four leaves appear on the plant or two to four weeks after the plants are transplanted to permanent sites.
Since it requires hot, humid weather, this seed should be planted at the beginning of the rainy season. Sloe needs a sandy loam with good drainage. Plants need full light.
Thrips attack:
in hot, dry weather. Thrips suck the plant sap. These can be controlled by malathion spray. It is also attacked by Phaphu Nandi. Which can be controlled by any fungicide. It is also attacked by sluggish oil. It sucks the sap from the leaves and other soft parts of the plants, which stunts the growth of the plants. can be controlled by spraying with nefidori or another suitable insecticide.
Popular types: fire glow, fire chief, forest fire
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Botanical name: coleus blumei

Family: (Lamiaceae)
It is native to Africa, Asia and Europe. It is propagated by beech and pen. There are about 3,000 seeds in one gram of cole slaw. And in eight days the process of pregnancy is completed. It operates in both light and shade conditions. Coleslaw is loved for its colorful leaves, which include green, red, yellow, and pink. Sandy mine land is suitable for its cultivation. The height of the plant is up to 50 cm. It can be planted in beds and pots.
Types: Sun set, Amazon, Atlas shady patch

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Botanical Name: Impatiens balsamina

Family: (Balsaminaceae)
Its homeland is the warm regions of Brazil. This plant is also found in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas. It is propagated by batch and there are about ninety seeds in one gram and the germination process is completed in 10 days. It runs in both light and dark conditions. Balsam seeds need light for germination. That is why its seeds should not be covered with soil but should be slightly pressed into the ground. White, pink, red and yellow flowers appear on it. Sandy mine land is suitable for its cultivation. Plants grow up to a foot tall. It can be planted in beds and pots.
Popular Varieties: Chico Pink, Tempo Rose, Shady Peach

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